Award Winning Futurist, Keynote Speaker and Author
Founder, 311 Institute: Strategic Foresight and Futures Research

Matthew Griffin, described as “The Adviser behind the Advisers” and a “Young Kurzweil,” is a world class futurist and strategic advisor helping build Centennial companies. After working at IBM, ATOS and EMC, he founded the 311 Institute, a global Futures and Deep Futures consultancy working across the next 50 years, and the World Futures Forum and XPotential University, two philanthropic organisations whose mission it is to reduce global inequality and ensure the benefits of the future are accessible to everyone, irrespective of their abilities or background. He is also the author of the Codex of the Future series and ”How to Build Exponential Enterprises.”

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Matthew’s clients include royalty, world leaders, G7 and G20 governments, and well known multi-nationals including Accenture, Aon, Arm, BCG, Centrica, Credit Suisse, Decathlon, Dentons, Deloitte, GEMS, Huawei, Lego, Legal & General, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Qualcomm, RWE, SAP, Samsung, T-Mobile, and many others.

A rare talent Matthew is regularly featured in the global media, including the AP, BBC, Bloomberg, CNBC, Discovery, Forbes, Telegraph, ViacomCBS, and WIRED, and his ability to identify, track, and explain the impacts of hundreds of revolutionary emerging technologies on global culture, industry and society, is unparalleled.

Recognised for the past six years as one of the world’s foremost futurists, innovation, and strategy experts Matthew is an international speaker who helps governments, investors, multi-nationals and regulators around the world envision, build and lead an inclusive, sustainable future.

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